2018 is starting out a busy year.

I ended the year with a great assignment for the newspaper. Believe, Cirque Du Musica at Heritage Park. Acrobats, contortionists, and dancers with a backdrop of a full orchestra. Like a concert shoot as it was low light with fast motion. A full-page spread can be viewed in last Thursdays New Gazette. Also, extras are on this site.

I have obtained a photo pass for Joe Satriani at The Hard Rock Café in Orlando. Joe Satriani is in the top ten of guitarists alive. I have seen him once; this show will be a treat. A photo pass was also obtained for Blues Traveler next month at the House of Blues Orlando. Another great concert I am looking forward to.

These two shows are 11 days apart and I have a festival in Daytona Beach I will be photographing sandwiched in between. Over 100 bands. The Daytona show is for my artist, The Melissa Crispo Band. Past pictures of Melissa Crispo are in the gallery section of my site spanning 14 years. Truly my favorite subject and her career is gaining ground as her band prepares for their week-long Melissa Etheridge Cruise in March. The cruise is great for national and international exposure. The last cruise she participated in yielded many shows and even a 3-gig series in Ireland last year. I have been asked on two occasions to supply promo pictures of Melissa and her band to two separate publications. I am not coat tailing, I have just upgraded my equipment and become credentialed to gain more access to different shows.

The beginning of February will be very busy. With the rule of 3 songs, no flash, that take about 15 minutes of shooting in a show. The time comes in the editing done after leaving the show. Sometimes it takes hours. But, the better I get, the quicker the process.

Check back periodically to see what I am publishing. My work can also be seen at  
