Starting a New Look!

Well today was exciting as my new Nikon 14-22MM F/2.8 lens have arrived. A very versatile wide angle lens. Will be great in the pit, but also in taking interiors of homes with tight kitchens and bathrooms. Very exciting.

Second, I will be adding a commerce page to sell some of my work. I will have 8X10 glossy prints available, and also JPEG's for advertising flexibility in print and websites.

And lastly, my graphic designer created a new logo for my new business. Very clean and simple, yet professional looking. Now if only Apple would stop upgrading the iPhone cameras making everyone a photographer... But alas, my motivation isn't to replace my other 3 businesses. It's all about the music and the artists that create it. With a new camera, a Nikon D4 and a new Nikon 70-200MM F/2.8 zoom lens on the way, my next concert shoot should have great results. I should have pictures up by April 11, 2017

Getting The Right Equipment

As I have previously stated, I own really nice camera equipment as I take advertising pictures for my Real Estate Brokerages, Resident Team Realty LLC and Toni's Property Management LLC. But the atmosphere that I use that equipment is the complete opposite of Concert Photography. The obvious different is the subjects are moving and the lighting is much different in concert venues. Real Estate in most cases, the sun is the source of lighting, and you are taking stills.

When I started doing more concert photography, I realized I needed completely different equipment. I need faster cameras and faster lenses. The lens' F stops have to be lower to let in enough light to properly expose the subject. This type of photography goes against any camera settings in the auto mode. But, equipment still does not replace instincts needed for concert photography, it just reduces time spent in the editing process by having better quality shots to deal with.

From dark under lit  bar venues to well lit larger concert venues, I still feel I have the best seat in the house and have the pictures to prove it.

What Started it all.

I have been attending concerts since I was 14 years old in 1975. The first in Cleveland Stadium called the World Series of Rock. Put on by Belkin Productions and the radio station WMMS. These were common in the 1970's and usually the highlight of every teenagers summer. I still remember the bands, the crowd, the sights, and the smells. The Rolling Stones were the main and final act of the day. Proceeding the Stones were Joe Vitals' Madmen, Widowmaker, Tower of Power, and the band which started my introduction to what turned out to be one of my all time favorite live acts, The J Giles Band. I was hooked and attended 100's of shows since.

My older brother got into the business as a driver. First hauling shows with his tractor trailer, then later as a bus driver for acts from Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, Velvet Revolver, Tool, Rascal Flatts, Carrie Underwood, Martina McBride, and so many more I can't even remember. Well with this family connect, all access passes were available and I saw and experienced a concert venue in a new and exciting way. I was even allowed on the bus in three Florida cities during an Aerosmith tour in 2001. My brother was hauling the roadies for the opening act The Cult. We made quick friends and I was given all access passes for the next nights performance in Tampa, FL by The Cults drummer Matt Sorum, who by the way was the drummer for Runs and Roses after replacing Steven Adler in 1990. I was a big fan. The next two nights I met up with the bus and hung out with the roadies, even helped load the trucks with them as they left the stage to clear for Steven Tyler and company. I was enamored and wished life had taken me on this path when I was younger. But, I don't play guitar or drums. Now I think I can sing a bit, ....But I digress.

Back to how it started. I met a very talented young lady that needed help getting her singing/song writing career started. We became quick friends and I lent a hand helping her at what ever I could. By this time, I was just starting my career in rear estate so I had professional camera equipment that I used often. So to help, I started to photograph her and her performances. That was 2004 and I have been honored to be her bands personal photographer for all their live performances.

As with every other profession or hobby, as she gets bigger and the venues get larger, more expensive equipment is needed  and the pictures become more important so I am always upgrading my gear and learning as much as possible every day. It's both fun and rewarding and I am in the middle of something I love. Check back and check my newest pictures for my last shoot!